Friday, August 29, 2008


A guy walks into a bar, sits down and orders a drink. He bets the bartender 10 bucks he can chug the pitcher of beer in 5 seconds. The bartender is like, no way, and makes the bet. Sure enough the man fails and pays the bartender. Half an hour later the man comes back, he goes up to the bartender and bets him 500 bucks he can pee into a shotglass at the other end of the bar. The bartender chuckles, and once again makes the bet. The man stands up on the bar, unzips his pants, and proceeds to pee all over the bar, not even coming close to the shotglass. The man gets down, zips up, pays the bartender his money, and walks out. While the bartender is cleaning off his bar, another man walks in. He sits down and says to the bartender, you wont believe what i just saw. I just saw a guy win 1000 bucks, on a bet that he could come in here, pee all over your bar, and you would laugh about it.

Yay blogs!